For the Self-Made
and for the

Welcome to the First Percent
Meet people like you

Whether is business or pleasure or simply a way to expand your local or global network.

Our club is made for the few that actually made it.

Being on the top of their trees, our members understand the importance of building relationships and establishing powerful networks while staying innovative and ahead of the curve. We exist to create valuable opportunities for pleasure, collaboration and growth.

Welcome to OUR WORLD.

Very few understand what it takes to get there.

Our club allows a global network of like-minded individuals, living similar circumstances, facing similar challenges and identifying similar opportunities to connect, share and acquire.

Wealth and success are not necessarily needed to enjoy the pleasures of life.

On the other side the indulgence of being in the top of that mountain that took you so much to climb, should open room for celebration.


Our membership is not made for socialites, wannabes, show-offs or anyone with no real interest in personal development and growth.

First percent is made for the ones who made it and sit at the top of their trees.

A First percent chapter not in your city yet?

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